On-Campus Resources

Our office is happy to highlight various centers and institutes across campus where students can engage with different communities, co-curricular opportunities, and academic resources. In addition to these offices, we also encourage students to explore the various student clubs and organizations on campus by visiting our website here. We invite students to think of the information below as a way to strengthen their skills and readiness for health professional school, engage with the campus community and build networks, and even find fulfilling employment and/or research opportunities.

Academic Resources

  • Academic Achievement Center (AAC)
    Looking to improve your academic skills and seek out support to further your success at UConn? This is the place to do it! The AAC offers a fantastic array of resources like coaching, peer mentors, and specific resources dedicated to the success of first-generation students.
  • Allied Health Sciences Advising Center
    Interested in a health career outside of becoming a doctor or a dentist? Make an appointment with an advisor in Allied Health Sciences to help you explore other avenues, such as becoming a physician assistant.
  • Center for Access and Postsecondary Success (CAPS)
    Through a variety of holistic services and programming, the Center for Access and Postsecondary Success (CAPS) College Program helps students who are first-generation to college, from low-income households, and/or from populations underrepresented in higher education reach their academic, professional, and personal potential at UConn and beyond.
  • Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD)
    Looking to request academic accommodations or take part in programs to connected with and/or help your peers? The CSD offers a range of amazing resources for students with disabilities and those interested in working with the center.
  • Chemistry Tutors
    For both fall and spring semesters, the Department of Chemistry organizes a list of tutors that becomes available after the 10th day of classes. Students seeking private tutoring can contact chemstudentadmins@uconn.edu to request the list. These are paid tutors; all arrangements are made directly between the student and prospective tutor.
  • Engineering Tutoring Center
    Interested in participating in peer-to-peer tutoring in the engineering disciplines? Be sure to explore what courses you can get help with; you can even look into the peer mentoring program as well!
  • Student Athlete Success Program (SASP)
    The SASP provides resources dedicated to empowering student-athletes to become independent thinking, successful, ethical student learners.
  • Physics Learning Resource Center (PLRC)
    The PLRC is “the place to go for all things physics.” They’ll assist you with questions on homework assignments and offer different ways to conceptualize/approach concepts taught in your courses.
  • PNB Undergraduate Mentoring Program (PUMP)
    PUMP is a peer-mentoring and tutoring program housed within the PNB department that focuses on providing a supportive and inclusive learning environment. Help is provided for foundational classes like PNB 2274/2275 and PNB 3251.
  • Quantitative Learning Center (Q Center)
    Need some help with your introductory Biology, Chemistry, Math or Statistics courses? Look no further! The Q Center offers one-on-one peer tutoring, group review sessions, and other learning modes.
  • Writing Center (W Center)
    Need some help with a class paper or project, specific writing in Biology or Psychology, or personal statement for your application? The undergraduate and graduate tutors at the W Center work with you one-on-one to help develop your ideas, answer questions, and craft your story.

    Centers and Institutes

    Cultural Centers & Programs

    Student Support

    • CAPS Research Scholars Program
      The CAPS Research Scholars Program prepares first-generation, low-income, and historically underrepresented students for M.S. and Ph.D. studies in STEM disciplines. Students can apply as a freshman or sophomore to become a CAPS Research Apprentice for a fall semester research shadowing experience. Students can apply as a sophomore or junior to become a CAPS Research Scholar and engage in an intensive research and graduate school preparation program that includes a quantitatively-focused research project. Both programs are research-based. Students who successfully complete the CAPS Research Scholar requirements and go on to become McNair Scholars receive additional summer funding, research symposia presentation experience​, travel to professional conferences and graduate school visits, and graduate school application fee waivers.
    • Center for Career Development (CCD)
      Want to discuss your career options, prepare for an interview, or work on a job or school application with the help of a career coach? Explore the CCD’s website to find things like their Health and Wellness Career Community, career coaching, personal statement advice, and more.
    • First Year Programs
      Are you a first-year student at UConn looking to get involved and connect with other students? First Year Programs eases the transition to college and fosters your success and development on campus. They also offer dedicated programs for international students.
    • International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS)                                                                                                                                                                  International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) supports the greater internationalization of the University of Connecticut through the development and delivery of services and programs that help international students and exchange visitors accomplish their academic and professional goals at UConn. The ISSS advisors can help students who have an I-20 navigate the proper procedures for gaining clinical experience based on their specific visa status.  
    • LSAMP (Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation)
      LSAMP is a fantastic program that works with students from historically underrepresented backgrounds in STEM disciplines to support them, through community and resources, to develop into professional, experienced scholars. Students are either recruited as an incoming freshman, or can apply during their sophomore or junior year.
    • Office of Community Outreach
      Community Outreach offers students wonderful opportunities to get involved in community service and outreach experiences. We encourage students to explore their volunteer initiatives and get involved with what speaks to them! Note that there are specific health services programs, as well as health-focused alternative breaks.
    • Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR)
      OUR is the university’s hub for information about research opportunities, whether that be strategies to get involved, undergraduate funding programs, or opportunities to share discoveries with the university community. We encourage any student interested in getting involved in research to explore the resources on their website and reach out to an advisor or peer mentor.
    • Student Health and Wellness (SHaW)
      SHaW supports the optimal well-being of students by providing care and health and wellness programs. We invite students to explore their programs and events, as well as their resources for mental health care.
    • Undergraduate Advising
      To access the variety of advising and other academic resources across the UConn campus, visit UConn’s main advising page.
    • Undocumented Student Resources
      This page offers campus, community, and legal resources for undocumented students. UConn’s mission is to ensure that undocumented individuals have the support and reassurance of being able to pursue their goals of higher education.