My name is Aesha (“A-sha”) Acevedo (she/her/hers). I am currently a senior studying Molecular & Cell Biology (MCB) on the pre-med track. I am a campus-change student from UConn Hartford and am from New Haven, CT. On the Hartford campus, I was an Orientation Leader, Student Administrative Assistant, and an Event Coordinator for World Club. On the Storrs campus, I am currently a Facility Attendant for the Student Rec Center and a member of FASA (Filipino American Student Association). Aside from the clubs and organizations I am a part of, I enjoy learning about other clubs/fraternities/sororities my friends are in that are both medical and non-medical. As I continue my UConn journey, I am working on continuing to gain active roles as a student in extracurricular activities. Outside of school, I also play important roles in my religious organization where activities to help other communities that are in need are constantly conducted.
Prior to beginning my journey as a pre-med student, I knew that school was going to be difficult, but not as much as it was, and currently is. Being in my third year and a new student to the Storrs campus, I understand that the transition is tough on some students. It is also hard to keep up in classes in general, so I emphasize the importance of self-care being a student’s main priority. Although it is easier said than done, students who are in demanding educational tracks like pre-med or pre-dental should practice taking care of themselves more. That being said, I enjoy helping others get through hard times by simply having a chat with them if they need help, or just need someone to talk to.