Leaning into the Unknown: Pursuing Your Authentic Journey

By Krithika Santhanam, Health Professions Peer Ambassador

As a pre-health student have you ever thought about applying to medical school like a checklist?

☑ Leadership Positions

☑ Clinical Experience

☑ Research Experience

☑ Community Service

☑ Shadowing

☑ Standardized Testing

Have you ever felt overwhelmed that you needed to plan your entire timeline because the people around you were traveling at lightning speed, checking all these boxes?

Have you ever felt like you needed to collect “titles” on campus to prove that you have gained the skills to check off some of these boxes?

I’m here to tell you it’s ok. I’ve felt like this before too.

The stress of all these “unknowns” was overtaking my mind and my ability to be present. I was also involved in so many things that I was spread way too thin, unable to give 100% into the initiatives I was passionate about. As a senior, sometimes I wish I could grab a cup of coffee with my sophomore year self and have a conversation with her about everything that made her overwhelmed. Here is what I would say:

Think about your purpose, what makes you excited and what makes you wake up in the morning ready to tackle a difficult day? From here, what initiatives and passions drive your purpose? Think about your values and beliefs as an individual. Remember, purpose is individualized so even though the person next to you might want to go to health professional school, they probably have a different purpose.

Since purpose is individualized, everyone will do different things that align with their purpose. This is probably why you have heard the phrase comparison is the thief of joy because even though you might look at the person next to you and think “wow they are doing amazing things compared to me” their work aligns with their purpose, so important in their heart. And I guarantee you, someone out in this world is saying that about you as well, since you are doing work that aligns with your purpose. Therefore, put love at the heart of everything you do – love for your work, love for others, and love for yourself. The connections you make and the kindness you show will last far longer than any accolade.

Finally, I would have told her to embrace self-discovery and be ready to redefine what you were once conditioned to believe. Set the intention to understand why you are, not just through the lens of how others perceive you. Furthermore, the journey through leadership is non-linear. Leadership is not defined by titles and positions, and there is no universal definition for a leader. I now know that leadership is having the courage to pursue your purpose, to be your authentic self in all the spaces you enter, and to uplift the people around you.

Even though I can’t grab a cup of coffee with my sophomore year self, I can still chat with first- and second-year students who may be feeling like what I once felt. To anyone reading this blogpost: Be bold, pursue your passions, and take care of yourself. We often think of wins as the big, life-changing events that happen to us, however they can be as simple as an action that looks out for your future self. Rooting for you as you embark on your authentic journey!

Krithika is a senior double majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology as well as an Individualized major in Health Policy and Racial Disparities. Click here to learn more about and connect with Krithika.