Make an Appointment

Steps to Follow

Welcome, Class of 2028! Please see this "getting started" guide to begin your pre-health journey at UConn.

1. Join our Newsletter 

Is this your first time meeting with someone from our office? Fill out this form, or email from your UConn email address to request to be added to our emailing list.

The Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental newsletter is our primary method of communicating information about pre-health professional opportunities, events, and resources both on campus and off campus to interested students.

We also encourage you to follow us on Instagram! Find us @uconn_premed_predental


2. Attend a Group Advising Session

Group advising sessions are intended to serve as an orientation to Pre-Professional Advising for incoming first-year students or any student new to a pre-medical/dental/PA track.

All students are expected to have first attended either a live or virtual group advising session or viewed a recording of a group advising session in its entirety prior to requesting a one-on-one appointment with an advisor.

    If you were unable to attend one of these sessions, please view a recording before scheduling a one-on-one appointment.


    3. Make a One-on-One Appointment

    If you have met the criteria above and have specific questions you'd like to address, then we welcome you to request a one-on-one appointment with an advisor. To "meet" our advisors ahead of time, make sure to check out our advisor profiles. Both in-person and virtual appointments are available. 

    To make a one-on-one appointment with an advisor via Nexus, please follow this link or use the below QR code.


    4. Drop-In Advising 

    Drop-ins are held at the following times during the semester (through finals week):

    • Mondays from 10am - 12noon (In-Person; check-in outside of Rowe 403)
      • NO DROP-INS March 31st
    • Tuesdays from 10am - 12pm (Virtual via Webex; join here)
      • NO DROP-INS April 1st from 10am-11am
    • Wednesdays from 2pm - 4pm (Virtual via Webex; join here)
      • NO DROP-INS April 2nd
    • Thursdays from 2pm - 4pm (In-Person; check-in outside of Rowe 403)

    All drop-in appointments should be limited to topics that can be covered in 10 minutes or fewerIf your topic is not a quick question that can be covered in 10 minutes or fewer, please request an appointment.

    Please note for virtual drop-ins that you will initially be admitted to the Webex "lobby." The advisor will let you in when they are ready. There may be a short wait if they are already talking with another student.

    Reasons to drop in

    —Discussing whether to accept AP or ECE credit or not
    —Checking in about retaking a specific course
    —Creating course timeline/discussing when to take a specific course
    —Talking about implications of adding, dropping, or withdrawing from a specific course
    —Asking about taking summer and/or community college classes
    —Learning about applying with our office/the letter packet process
    —Going over application basics + timeline
    —Asking logistical questions about primary/secondary/letters of recommendation
    —Discussing MCAT scores

    5. Meet with a Health Professions Peer Ambassador (HPPA)

    Health Professions Peer Ambassadors (HPPAs) are UConn undergraduate students who are pursuing a health-professions track alongside diverse major plans of study and are involved in the greater university community in many ways. They work closely with the Office of Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental Advising to share their experiences and mentor other students throughout their pre-professional journeys. HPPAs attend various office group advising sessions, workshops, and campus outreach events and are available for weekly in-person drop-in and virtual drop-in mentoring hours.

    See individual profiles and schedules here

    When to meet with a peer ambassador

    —Exploring pathways for becoming engaged in clinical, service, or research opportunities
    —Balancing schoolwork and co-curricular engagement
    —Learning about study/test-taking strategies that have worked for them
    —Transferring from a regional UConn campus to Storrs as a pre-health professional student
    —Developing leadership skills

    When to meet with a staff advisor

    —Discussing whether to accept AP or ECE credit or not
    —Engaging in in-depth conversations about coursework, grades, and standardized test scores
    —Gauging your readiness to apply to health professional schools
    —Planning your growth year(s)
    —Speaking about specific aspects of your health professions school application